Engineering Services


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 We are in an environment of global competition; our advantage is the successful implementation of new mining methods, applied technologies and project execution to leap a project ahead of the competition on the other side of the world.


1. Design Authority


Mine and Mill Design


Ramp or Shaft Access; Open Pit or Underground Extraction


Weak rockmass, hard rock and soft rock, high inflow potential


2. Mining Methods

2.1 Bulkmining

Transverse, longitudinal blast hole, cut & fill, shrinkage stoping

2.2 New mining method development

Raisebore, jetboring, blind boring, high-grade ISR

2.3 Weak rock mass development and mining

Tunnelling, forepoling, artificial ground freezing, NATM and TBM


3. Production Plans


Life of Mine, Life of Asset Plans optimization


Digitization of mine and mill, electrification of equipment, and remote operations


Project pipe line and project portfolio optimization

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Project Development

Hatley Engineering and Applied Technologies Inc. offers mining companies the ability to accelerate the development of projects through technological innovation, best practices in project management and governance.

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Corporate and Board of Director Services

We are able to provide corporate guidance and project governance through all project stages, recommend team composition and ensure successful transition from projects into operations.

Advisory services to Board of Directors and C-suite on corrective action recommendations for upset projects, operations and across business lines of the world’s largest corporations.

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Climate Change

Hatley Engineering can help clients in Canada and around the world in assessing and developing adaptation strategies for all aspects of climate change effects on mining activities in the exploration, development, construction, operation and closure and rehabilitation phases. Our expertise can add value to climate change assessments at the Environmental Assessment at the start of the project to site closure and rehabilitation.